IPv6 Subnet Calculator

Input an IPv6 address and the network prefix or subnet size in slash notation:

Compressed Address:
Expanded Address:
Number of /64s:

Select a number of subnets or a subnet size to divide the above into:

subnets or

This IPv6 subnet calculator can be used the same way as our VLSM calculator, which is used to plan an IPv4 network.

Note that the best practice is to always use a /64 subnet mask for simplicity on real-world IPv6 subnets with hosts. This can lead to a lot of ‘wasted’ IP addresses, but the IPv6 address space is so large that it isn’t a concern.

This IPv6 subnetting calculator is provided to help you understand the IPv6 address space better and to study for exams – you should always use /64 subnet masks on real networks.

Remember, the IPv6 address space can be huge. Because of this, only up to the first 999 possible subnets are displayed.

Download our Subnet Cheat Sheet for all the essential information you need to quickly perform subnet calculations in your head. If you want to learn more about networking and get the Cisco CCNA certification, we highly recommend the Cisco CCNA Gold Bootcamp as your CCNA training course. The CCNA is by far the most in-demand networking certification by employers, and the Gold Bootcamp is the highest rated Cisco course online. It has an average rating of 4.8 from over 30,000 public reviews:
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